Amedisys Foundation


All of us need something to believe in – it’s what gives our lives purpose, meaning and groundedness. The Amedisys Foundation is committed to providing support to both our team members and our patients.  

Contribute to the Amedisys Foundation to support our patients and people.

Patients' Special Needs Fund

This fund provides financial assistance to our home health, hospice and personal care patients during a difficult time. Grants are available for general bills and comfort items or funeral, cremation and burial assistance. 

Employees' 1st Fund

This fund provides financial assistance to our own eligible team members who are experiencing severe financial need caused by unexpected emergencies, such as natural disasters, serious illness or injury, funeral expenses or extreme circumstances, like a house fire. 

Tangela's Story - Bridging the Gap in Times of Need

At Amedisys, we believe in the value of giving back to our people and our patients during times of need. In 2024, Tangela Taver, RN, a Director of Operations for Amedisys, found herself faced with a health crisis. What at first seemed like a short-term concern turned into an extended leave from work, and Tangela quickly found herself with a second problem: how to cover her essential bills. 

“I was facing eviction,” Tangela explains. Living alone, both rent and utilities depended on her income, and she was facing a six-week-long gap.  

That’s when her Assistant Vice President made a suggestion: reach out the Amedisys Foundation and apply for assistance.  

The Foundation was created as a resource for both Amedisys caregivers and patients and contributes hundreds of thousands annually to those in need. Tangela wasn’t sure she’d qualify, “But as my AVP said, the worst they can say is no!” 

To her surprise, her request was quickly taken into consideration. “The turnaround time and communication were so smooth,” she shares. “It took maybe two weeks to go from not knowing how I’d pay my rent and utilities to having the money. They paid to the penny.” 

Tangela says, “It still almost brings me to tears. It did wonders for my recovery and it speaks volumes about the company —there's no place I’d rather be. Amedisys truly cares for its employees.” 

Recovered and back on the job since her emergency, Tangela says she’s increased her own contribution to the Foundation. “If everyone would consider contributing a little bit, you never know when someone will need it,” she notes. “No matter where we are in life, we can all afford to put in a dollar!” 

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